
Film and design have always facinated me. To convey a story, a feeling or an idea, only though colours and sound is something magical.

Film lets you feel things. My earlier projects make me happy. The ones after that became more serious. The last ones I'm proud of.


FCG Collective Music Clips

"Hope" and "Safe ground"

I was asked by the producer to make a video clip for one of the songs, so I started writing a script. I knew a great actress through my theatre connections, and put together the result, which is now the video clip "Hope". Later, I worked on "Safe Ground", where I was handed the materials.





Musical Film Production

"Mamma Mia Musical Film"

A musical film production after the movie with the same name (2008). I've worked on this with my drama group for over four months. I have had the chance to collaborate on writing the script, playing the expanded role of "Sky" and edit the result.

More random stuff